Simply email us at and we’ll do our best to answer any questions.
Ready to Apply?
NOTE: Applications to the fall retreats are now closed. Sign up to be notified when the new retreat dates are announced.
Email us at with the subject line “Application for the Durham Retreat” or “Application for the Everywhere Retreat” and attach three documents:
A 1-2 page letter introducing yourself. If you have financial need and would like to be considered for a scholarship, you can also use this letter to explain your situation. If you would like to be considered for both retreats, please say so in this letter, and let us know which retreat is your number one choice.
A writing sample of no more than 10 double spaced pages. This may be published or unpublished work, and it does not need to be part of the project you plan to work on at the retreat. Attach this as a separate document, and make sure it does not include your name.
Proof of vaccination against covid-19 (for the Durham Retreat).
Applications for both retreats are due by August 1. Please also submit the $15 application fee here. If you are accepted, your application fee will be applied to the cost of the retreat. Acceptances will be announced in the first week of August; if accepted, you’ll need to hold your spot with a non-refundable deposit.